Hormone Therapy
Hormone replacement therapy can relieve both physical and emotional symptoms. From patches and creams to pellets and pills, there are myriad hormone release options for anyone who is in need of treatment. These forms of release will provide a consistent flow of hormones. Selecting our treatment plan with Bioidentical HRT (BHRT) will aim to relieve the source of the problem and not only the symptoms.
Pellet therapy will include as few as two annual subcutaneous pellet insertions. If there are any necessary hormones, the body will have them readily available through the pellet distribution. BioTE® Medical partners with medical providers to create a healthier way to approach BHRT and superior nutraceuticals

Menopause will begin to change your hormone levels, which is why HRT is so important. It will help replace the missing hormones and make you feel more like yourself and more comfortable with yourself. Once hormones are balanced, you can experience an improved quality of life and relieve those uncomfortable symptoms and conditions that are associated with hormonal imbalance.

Is HRT the right choice for me?
Knowing whether or not HRT is the right choice for you will require a medical diagnosis. However, if there are some conditions and symptoms that may give you the first signs to consider hormone replacement therapy. Staying aware of the signs of hormonal imbalances, and menopause will be the first distinction for you to reach out to EP Family & Pediatric Clinic if you have not done so already.
What to expect from HRT
Although the results may differ from one person to the next, the overall process remains the same. First, we will perform a comprehensive lab test, and the results will determine whether or not the process will be wholly beneficial for the patient.
Bioidentical hormones that are delivered via BHRT pellets can more closely replicate human hormones. Once these hormones are replaced, you'll begin to feel more like yourself. Our doctors will design an HRT plan to better meet your body's overall needs. You can see results within four to six weeks after the pellet insertion.
HRT isn't for Everyone
If you're currently experiencing some of the following conditions, we strongly advise against HRT:
Breast cancer
Ovarian cancer
Blood clots
Vaginal bleeding
Endometrial cancer
Debilitating fatigue
Poor concentration or memory lapses
Decreased muscle tone
Weight gain
Dry, thin skin
Mood swings
Decreased sex drive/libido
Painful intercourse
Debilitating PMS
Hot flashes
Night sweats
Low sex drive
Dry vagina
Problems sleeping
So, when you're ready, give us a call or come by our offices to start the process of HRT. We can provide a full evaluation along with a treatment plan that is designed for you. We're an authorized BioTE® medical provider and have various solutions to have you feeling your best self during menopause.